About a year behind schedule, the new UAW Legal Services Plan is open and taking cases as of January 25, 2015. The following paragraph is take directly from their websit at www.uawlsp.com.
A new Legal Services Plan opened on January 25, 2017 for eligible FCA, Ford, and General Motors members. It is called UAW-FCA-Ford-General Motors Legal Services Plan. An eligible member can open a new case by calling 1-800-482-7700. Under this new Plan, an eligible UAW member can receive “office work” legal services for a variety of legal matters including wills, deeds, powers of attorney, credit reporting, consumer contract questions, real estate advice relating to buys and sales and advice on uncontested divorces and family matters. In addition low cost referrals will be provided on some other types of cases such as bankruptcy, probate, guardianship and litigation matters. The old Legal Services Plan (which has not been able to open new cases since January 1, 2014) is continuing to work to conclude those cases that remain open. It is important to understand that the new Legal Services Plan has a new name and different benefits.
I appreciated the opportunity to serve UAW members and retirees as a staff attorney for UAW Legal Services Plan for 16 years, and for another 2+ years as a private attorney after the Plan closed to new cases. Even though I might be losing some business for things where the UAW families can use the new plan, I’m glad that they have some prepaid legal services available. I don’t have any official relationship with the new plan ,but I wish them well.