Are You Being Sued by Midland Funding?

Midland Funding, LLC files more lawsuits in Indiana than any other civil plaintiff.  As a consumer attorney, I have seen the lazy affidavits prepared by Midland representatives, and because of this, I am astonished consumers don’t contest lawsuits filed by Midland more often.  If you have been sued by Midland, read this article  published last year in the Washington Post.  It will give you some background on Midland.  I am a member of a group of consumer attorneys called the National Association of Consumer Advocates, or NACA.  NACA attorneys are attorneys who defend consumers from debt cases, and we represent consumers in cases involving a variety of consumer frauds and ripoffs.  You can find a NACA member attorney at or   A number of us have been sharing information on ideas to beat Midland at their own game.