Recent Articles
After 8 Years A New Identity – The Beginning of Hofer Hagan LLP, the end of Consumer Law Office of Steve Hofer
As of today, I am ending my practice under the name Consumer Law Office of Steve Hofer, BUT I have joined up with attorney Keith Hagan, and we have formed a new firm, Hofer Hagan LLP. Other than the new name, not much is changing. Keith and I have been doing most of our cases […]
BATNA – “Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement”
I was just introduced to the term BATNA – or “best alternative to negotiated agreement”. In short, as a prelude to negotiating a deal, you evaluate what your best alternative is if you can make no deal at all. This helps you determine the lowest possible offer that you will accept. Now, as you dig […]
Have you been scammed on a “Turnkey” Rental Property Investment Scam? Here are some thoughts
I have been handling consumer law cases for over 30 years, and just recently I received my FIRST complaint about a “turnkey” rental property Investment. I did some initial checking and my first impression is there maybe avenues where an attorney can help you get your money back. The first thing you have to understand is […]
Have You been sued in Indiana by National Collegiate Student Loan Trust?
After a hiatus during covid, it looks like National Collegiate Student Loan Trusts have begun to file lawsuits again all over Indiana. If you get sued, please call us. These cases are not hopeless.
Have you had a problem with The IRA Club or Alpine Capital Solutions, LLC? We would like to hear from you.
We are investigating a complaint relating to real estate investments sold through The IRA Club in Chicago and Alpine Capital Solutions, LLC out of Indianapolis. If you have or have had any issues with either of these firms, please contact us.
Are you getting marketing text messages late at night? You might be able to sue for damages.
Under the Telephone Consumer Privacy Act, or TCPA, a company is not supposed to engage in automated calling or text messaging without your permission. They also aren’t allowed to send automated messages to you before 8:00 AM or after 9:00 PM your time. I received a complaint from a person who is receiving late night […]
More Comments on Home Title Lock
In the past couple of years, I’ve gotten calls from a couple of reporters who started an investigation into Home Title Lock. It is likely the most recent investigation was snuffed out by the (then new) pandemic. I heard my first commercial for them in a long time, and I think things are about to […] website is online
Our website, is up and running. The floorplan part of this blog will eventually migrate there. Check out the website and let me know what you think.
Bankruptcy Courts Differ on whether Unpaid Floorplan Balances can be Discharged
When floorplan lenders sue, generally they claim “conversion” for inventory sold “out of trust”. The lenders also either threaten to or actually do object to the discharge of these debts in bankruptcy. The courts are all over the map in how they treat these cases. Knowing this affects how we defend conversion cases by floorplan […]
Have you received a medical bill for services relating to a workers compensation covered injury? (in Indiana)
If you live in Indiana and have received a bill for medical services relating to an injury covered by workers compensation, please call me. Legally you should not be getting this type of bill. (Unfortunately, we can’t do cases for people outside of Indiana.)